Popping Eagle: How We Leveraged Global Analytics to Discover a Sophisticated Threat Actor

A conceptual image representing malware, such as Popping Eagle.

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Executive Summary

To better detect attacks that affect the actions of signed applications – such as supply-chain attacks, dynamic-link libraries (DLL) hijacking, exploitation and malicious thread injection – we have devised a suite of analytics detectors that are able to detect global statistical anomalies.

Using these new detectors, we found what seems to be an industrial espionage attack. The observed activity includes performing a specially crafted DLL hijacking attack used by a previously unknown piece of malware that we dubbed “Popping Eagle” due to several artifacts found in the samples. It also includes a second stage malicious tool written in Go dubbed “Going Eagle.” In this particular case, we observed the attacker following this by performing several network scans and lateral movement steps.

Discovering Popping Eagle using this new suite of analytics detectors underscores the following key points:

  • These analytical and statistical methods have capabilities that allow for the identification of malware that might otherwise have been missed.
  • Though the malware loaded itself into a signed process with the goal of remaining undetected, these detectors found it due to the attempted obfuscation.

In this blog post, we discuss the hunting method, analyze the tools used in the attack and detail the actions performed by the attacker in the victim’s environment.

Palo Alto Networks customers are protected from this kind of attack by Cortex XDR, as well as the WildFire cloud-delivered security subscription for the Next-Generation Firewall. (Please see the Conclusion section for more detail.)

Malware Discussed Popping Eagle, Going Eagle

Table of Contents

Hunting for Statistical Irregularities in Signed Applications
Finding Popping Eagle
Analyzing Popping Eagle’s First Stage
Loading method – DLL Proxy
Analyzing the uxtheme.dll Sample
Going Eagle Second Stage Analysis
Analyzing ClickRuntime-amd86.dll
Lateral Movement
Second-Stage Timeline
Searching for Related IoCs
Hunting and Searching Methodology
Indicators of Compromise
Hunting Yara Rules

Hunting for Statistical Irregularities in Signed Applications


Over the last couple of years, the number of supply-chain attacks has increased dramatically. Examples include SolarStorm, NotPetya, Kaseya, KeRanger and others.

From previous events, we learned that even though threat actors leveraging supply-chain attacks usually run code on a large number of organizations, they tend to focus the attack’s “second stage” on a small number of high-value targets.

Leveraging a large Cortex XDR dataset, we built a global baseline of “normal” application behavior and hunted for anomalies.

Identifying these anomalies detects several kinds of techniques – examples include supply chain attacks, DLL side-loading or malicious thread injections – and any attack that may cause a legitimate signed application to behave differently.


Each application can perform several different types of actions. Actions that are shared across multiple environments are more likely to be benign, so we leverage them to create a global baseline for each application.

In addition, some actions are unique to each organization, even when performed by the same application (for example, connecting to the domain of the organization itself). Recognizing this, we also build a local baseline for each organization and for each application.

Using these baselines, we compare actions performed by each application and flag anomalous activities.

Once we have a set of suspicious cases, we further analyze them to validate if these are actual attacks.

Finding Popping Eagle

After filtering out cases with known malicious indicators of compromise (IoCs), we came across the following case:

The application clicksharelauncher.exe, signed by “Barco N.V.,” had been seen in a few hundred different environments, indicating we have a good baseline on its behavior, but it performed unique domain resolutions in only one environment. Furthermore, the domain it contacted, dnszonetransfer[.]com, was only seen in that environment, and only on three unique agents out of thousands.

In the course of the research, we found two types of tools left on the hosts that sparked our curiosity as they were unknown not only by hash but also by all other IoCs found during the research (see “Searching for Related IoCs” for further elaboration).

Analyzing Popping Eagle’s First Stage

Loading Method – DLL Proxy

Looking into the causality chain of clicksharelauncher.exe, we saw that before it contacted the dnszonetransfer[.]com domain, it loaded an unsigned DLL from the same directory as the executable named uxtheme.dll.

This DLL name also belongs to a known Microsoft signed DLL that’s usually located at %windir%SysWOW64UxTheme.dll, and the DLL name is also in the import table of clicksharelauncher.exe.

The first stage of Popping Eagle includes a DLL proxy. The screenshot shows the import table of clicksharelauncher.exe, which is being used for DLL Search Order Hijacking.
Figure 1. Partial import table of clicksharelauncher.exe

This is a classic example of DLL Search Order Hijacking; clicksharelauncher.exe tries to load uxtheme.dll from the current directory before %windir%SysWOW64, so it loads the attacker’s DLL instead of Microsoft’s DLL.

Comparing the export table of the unsigned uxtheme.dll with the original one also shows the same functions, with the addition of one additional exported function: popo.

Comparing the export table of the malicious proxied DLL (left) and the original DLL (right) reveals that same functions, with the addition of one additional exported function on the malicious side: popo (outlined in red in the screenshot).
Figure 2. Partial export table of the malicious proxied DLL (left) and original DLL (right).

Analyzing the uxtheme.dll Sample

This executable was written as a 32-bit DLL in C++. The original compiled name from the DLL metadata is CoL_Final_Lib.dll, and its compile timestamp records the same day we first saw it. In conjunction with the fact that each of the three hosts we saw it on had a different SHA256 hash, this may indicate that it was compiled “on the spot.”

The use of the Barco software as a loader also indicates that the sample was tailor-made to this victim’s environment – its use as a loader is rather unique.

Checking the memory locations of its entry point and exports shows mostly strings, while only one is an actual function. This further indicates that this DLL doesn’t implement actual logic for these functions and they only exist to better mimic the proxied DLL.

To run its functionality right away on load (avoiding the need to wait to be called explicitly), the malware runs its main code on the main DLL entry point and in a new thread (to not block the rest of the DLL load flow).

To run its functionality right away on load (avoiding the need to wait to be called explicitly), the malware runs its main code on the main DLL entry point and in a new thread (to not block the rest of the DLL load flow). This main function decodes the C2 URL (using a simple one-byte XOR) and connects to it using a Win32API function. From strings found in the code, it seems that the malware authors used the open-source C++ project WinHttpClient to perform the network logic. The image shows three screenshots, with arrows flowing from one to the next. Key lines are highlighted in yellow and/or outlined in red.
Figure 3. The malware’s main function in the DLL. This function is also called from the popo entry point.

This main function decodes the C2 URL (using a simple one-byte XOR) and connects to it using a Win32API function. From strings found in the code, it seems that the malware authors used the open-source C++ project WinHttpClient to perform the network logic. The malware then enters its main event loop, which performs these actions:

  • Sends a POST request to the URL with a hardcoded old Linux user agent and message.
  • Verifies that the response starts with Unicode 726563697074 – “recipt” (may suggest a non-native English-speaking author).
  • Parses a struct with several different commands including:
    • Saving files on the remote host.
    • Loading and running DLLs from a specific folder.
  • Sleeps for one hour + a randomly generated timeframe.
The first request sent to the server by the Popping Eagle malware. Note the use of a hardcoded old Linux user agent and message.
Figure 4. The first request sent to the server by the malware.

Going Eagle Second Stage Analysis

Most of the time this DLL was observed, it didn’t seem to receive any commands from the malicious actor. But on one occasion the IP resolved by dnszonetransfer[.]com temporarily changed to 51.38.89[.]53 for a few days when the attacker was active. This is a common tactic attempting to avoid detection where the C2 domain only points to the attacker’s infrastructure when the malware needs to be controlled. This attacker-controlled IP used the first-stage malware to load a second stage DLL that we call “Going Eagle.”

Analyzing ClickRuntime-amd86.dll

This executable was written as a 32-bit DLL in Go. The original “compiled name” from the DLL metadata is iphlpapi.dll. Somewhat interestingly, this DLL proxies a different Microsoft DLL by the same name (and mimics all the relevant named export functions). This isn’t necessary as the first stage loads it with LoadLibrary and not by the DLL-hijacking technique.

Comparison of the export tables of the malicious proxied DLL (left) and original DLL (right). Again, we see popo in the malicious proxied DLL - outlined in red in the image.
Figure 5. Partial export table of the malicious proxied DLL (left) and original DLL (right).

There are more similarities between the DLLs although they were written in different languages (C++, Go)

  • Compile timestamp – created and dropped on the same day.
  • Created as a proxy DLL.
  • Has an export function named popo
  • The DllMain and popo functions call a function that invokes the malware’s inner logic in another thread (so the malware logic will run right on the DLL load or on another popo invocation).

This tool was created for one task only – to create a reverse SOCKS proxy to get the attacker control over the machine (as described in the “Lateral Movement” section later on).

Since the malware is written in Go, we can extract extra data from its plaintext strings:

  • Original package name Eagle2.5-Client-Dll (outlined in red in Figure 6).
  • Original function names (like main.StartEagle).
  • Packages from Go standard and extended library (like bufio, log, x/net).
  • Packages from other resources like GitHub repositories (outlined in yellow and green in Figure 6).
The figure shows the original package name outlined in red. Packages from other resources like GitHub repositories are outlined in yellow and green.
Figure 6. Strings found in the malware sample.
Outlined in red is the popo inner call to StartEagle function with the C2 as a parameter.
Figure 7. popo inner call to StartEagle function with the C2 as a parameter.
From clicksharelauncher.exe to DLL search order hijacking, to uxtheme.dll (proxy), to write and load DLL, to ClickRuntime-amd86.dll. Uxtheme.dll communicates with dnszonetransfer[.]com, which leads to the first C2, 51.38.89[.]53. ClickRuntime communicates with reporterror[.]net, which leads to the second C2, 51.75.57[.]245
Figure 8. Illustration of the attack flow.

Lateral Movement

Using the second-stage SOCKS binary, Going Eagle, the attackers tunneled their machine to perform several network-based attacks.

At first, they scanned multiple hosts for open Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and Server Message Block (SMB) ports, in order to find targets toward which to move laterally. Leveraging password reuse of the local administrator account on several different hosts, the attackers used Impacket’s wmiexec to run discovery commands on multiple machines.

This caused the following detectors to be raised:

Cortex XDR Analytics BIOC - Remote WMI process execution; Cortex XDR Analytics BIOC - Uncommon IP Configuration Listing via ipconfig.exe; Cortex XDR Analytics BIOC - Rare NTLM Access by user to host; Cortex XDR Analytics - Multiple Discovery Commands; Cortex XDR Analytics - Failed Connections; Cortex XDR BIOC - Command execution via wmiexec; Cortex XDR Analytics BIOC - Uncommon ARP cache listing via arp.exe; Cortex XDR Analytics BIOC - Uncommon user management via net.exe; Cortex XDR Agent - Behavioral Threat Protection (suspicious remote service); Cortex XDR Agent - Behavioral Threat Protection (impacket_cmd)
Table 1. Detectors raised in Cortex XDR by the activity of Going Eagle.
Cortex XDR grouped several lateral-movement related alerts observed in relation to Popping Eagle activity into an Incident.
Figure 9. Cortex XDR grouped several lateral-movement related alerts into an Incident.

In addition to wmiexec, the attackers used RDP to move laterally through the network. They uploaded PsExec and used it to run taskmgr.exe as SYSTEM to gather credentials by dumping lsass memory.

This was blocked by the Cortex XDR agent as well and raised several other alerts from Cortex XDR Analytics and Cortex XDR BIOCs:

Cortex XDR Agent - Behavioral Threat Protection, Cortex XDR Analytics BIOC - Suspicious process executed with a high integrity level, Cortex XDR BIOC - PsExec execution EulaAccepted flag added to the Registry; Cortex XDR BIOC - PsExec runs with System privileges
Table 2. Alerts raised from Cortex XDR Analytics and Cortex XDR BIOCs.

At a certain point, the attackers managed to acquire a privileged domain account and tried using it to steal secrets from the domain controller using Impacket’s secretsdump. But their attempts were blocked by the Cortex XDR agent.

Cortex XDR Agent - heuristic.b.save_sam_or_security_remote (SYNC - Credential Gathering - 3406296443)
Table 3. Table showing how the Cortex XDR Agent blocked an attempt to steal secrets from the domain controller.

It seems that the attacker failed to reach their goals and stopped trying to move laterally due to the multiple protections in place.

Second-Stage Timeline

Time (UTC) MITRE Technique Action Detection
Day 1 17:28 Dynamic Resolution The attacker changed IP resolution for dnszonetransfer[.]com to 51.38.89[.]53
Day 2 20:19 Application Layer Protocol The infected host got the first command from 51.38.89[.]53
Signed Binary Proxy Execution Loaded the second-stage DLL, Going Eagle (ClickRuntime-amd86.dll) Globally uncommon image load from a signed process (Added after the fact)
Application Layer Protocol First transmission to reporterror[.]net Globally uncommon root domain from a signed process
(Added after the fact)
Proxy Attacker machine was tunneled using the SOCKS proxy
Day 2 20:29 Network Service Scanning Scanned multiple hosts for open RDP, SMB and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) ports Failed Connections
Day 2 20:35 Remote Services Connected to the first host using wmiexec Remote WMI process execution
Rare NTLM Access By User To Host
Command execution via wmiexec
Behavioral Threat Protection (suspicious_remote_service)
Behavioral Threat Protection (impacket_cmd)
System Network Configuration Discovery Run discovery commands Uncommon IP Configuration Listing via ipconfig.exe
Account Discovery Uncommon user management via net.exe
Uncommon ARP cache listing via arp.exe
Multiple Discovery Commands
Day 2 20:50 Remote Services Connected to the second host using wmiexec Remote WMI process execution
Rare NTLM Access By User To Host
Command execution via wmiexec
Behavioral Threat Protection (suspicious_remote_service)
Behavioral Threat Protection (impacket_cmd)
System Network Configuration Discovery Run discovery commands Uncommon IP Configuration Listing via ipconfig.exe
Account Discovery Uncommon user management via net.exe
Uncommon ARP cache listing via arp.exe
Multiple Discovery Commands
Day 2 20:53
Network Service Scanning Scanned multiple hosts for open RDP, SMB and RPC ports Failed Connections
Day 2 20:54 Remote Services Connected to the third host using wmiexec Remote WMI process execution
Rare NTLM Access By User To Host
Command execution via wmiexec
Behavioral Threat Protection (suspicious_remote_service)
Behavioral Threat Protection (impacket_cmd)
System Network Configuration Discovery Run discovery commands Uncommon IP Configuration Listing via ipconfig.exe
Uncommon user management via net.exe
Account Discovery Uncommon ARP cache listing via arp.exe
Multiple Discovery Commands
Day 2 21:40 Network Service Scanning Scanned multiple hosts for open RDP, SMB and RPC ports Failed Connections
Day 2 21:54 Remote Desktop Protocol Laterally moved using RDP to the fourth host
Day 2 21:56 LSASS Memory Tried to dump lsass using taskmgr Behavioral Threat Protection (minidumpwritedump_handle_terminate)
Day 2 22:01 LSASS Memory Tried to dump lsass using taskmgr running as SYSTEM Behavioral Threat Protection (minidumpwritedump_handle_terminate)
Suspicious process executed with a high integrity level
PsExec execution EulaAccepted flag added to the Registry
PsExec runs with System privileges
Day 3 01:10 NTDS Run secretsdump on the first DC and was blocked heuristic.b.save_sam_or_security_remote (SYNC – Credential Gathering – 3406296443)
Day 3 01:36 NTDS Run secretsdump on the second DC and was blocked heuristic.b.save_sam_or_security_remote (SYNC – Credential Gathering – 3406296443)
Day 8 11:16 Dynamic Resolution The attacker changed dnszonetransfer[.]com IP resolution to a benign IP

Table 4. Timeline of activities, attack techniques and detections involved in the Popping Eagle attack.

Searching for Related IoCs

After we finished analyzing the malware’s behavior, we set our goals to find related samples by the same actor.


Observing the facts:

  • The first stage downloads and loads the second stage DLL and invokes the function popo from it. Both DLLs export the popo function.
  • The second stage unnecessarily proxies the DLL.

Also, both of the DLLs contain possible indicator strings for a version or a development ready status

  • CoL_Final_Lib.dll
  • Eagle2.5-Client-Dll

This data can sum up to a possible modus operandi of an adversary:

  • Create and use multiple small-effort tools written using known public projects and libraries.
  • It is feasible to assume that they have a framework to easily create proxy DLLs with a single export function (in our case: popo).
  • Developer(s) knowledgeable in several programming languages (C++, Go, Python).

Hunting and Searching Methodology

At first we searched for the initial indicators (hash, domain, IP, URL) on AutoFocus and common public threat intel platforms, but nothing new was found.

Additionally, while analyzing the malware, we created generic “hunting” and specific “adversary” Yara rules to search for related samples. The generic rules yielded surprisingly good results by finding additional “Go socks” samples unrelated to this actor, most of which are malware.

The specific adversary rules did not find any additional samples.


As seen in the case above, attackers are using open-source code to develop custom malware that’s designed to evade security detection. In order to combat more advanced actors, we must leverage more sophisticated detection techniques. Hunting for anomalous actions done by signed applications has proven itself successful in finding previously unknown attacks and “dormant” backdoors.

Due to the malware’s apparently being tailor-made for the attacked network and the use of common attack tools, we couldn’t attribute it to a specific actor.

Palo Alto Networks customers are protected from this kind of attack by the following:

1. Cortex XDR’s Global Analytics BIOC alerts, implementing, among many things, the statistical techniques described earlier.

Cortex XDR Analytics BIOC - globally uncommon root domain from a signed process; Cortex XDR Analytics BIOC - Globally uncommon injection from a signed process; Cortex XDR Analytics BIOC - Globally uncommon image load from a signed process
Table 5. Cortex XDR Global Analytics BIOC alerts that can help protect against Popping Eagle.

2. Cortex XDR Agent Behavioral Threat Protection blocks the DLL hijacking attack on the vulnerable application, preventing future malware from using the same loading method.

3. WildFire, a cloud-delivered security subscription for the Next-Generation Firewall, and Cortex XDR identify and block all IoCs mentioned as well as all future IoCs identified by the Yara rules


Indicators of Compromise

SHA256 File Name
e5e89d8db12c7dacddff5c2a76b1f3b52c955c2e86af8f0b3e36c8a5d954b5e8 uxtheme.dll
95676c8eeaab93396597e05bb4df3ff8cc5780ad166e4ee54484387b97f381df uxtheme.dll
59d12f26cbc3e49e28be13f0306f5a9b1a9fd62909df706e58768d2f0ccca189 uxtheme.dll
0dc8f17b053d9bfab45aed21340a1f85325f79e0925caf21b9eaf9fbdc34a47a ClickRuntime-amd86.dll


User agent
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36

Hunting Yara Rules

Suspicious Go Executables

Possible Tools From This Adversary

Source: https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/popping-eagle-malware/