cyware: Iran-Backed Hackers Blast Out Threatening Texts to Israelis

Summary: Israeli citizens received threatening text messages from an Iranian-backed hacking team claiming to have hijacked the nation’s radar systems, urging them to fix the systems within a few hours.

Threat Actor: Iranian-backed hacking team | Handala
Victim: Israeli citizens | Israeli citizens

Key Point :

  • An Iranian-backed hacking group, Handala, sent threatening text messages to Israeli citizens, claiming to have hijacked the nation’s radar systems.
  • The messages contained anti-Israeli government rhetoric and warned of potential damage if cities were not evacuated.
  • Israeli officials have not verified the group’s claims.
  • This incident occurred amid Iran’s drone and missile attacks on Israel.

Israeli citizens received threatening text messages purportedly from an Iranian-backed hacking team warning that it has hijacked the nation’s radar systems, stating: “You have only a few hours to fix the systems.”

The so-called Handala threat group alleged in a message on Telegram that it sent 500,000 text message warnings to Israeli citizens, which contains anti-Israeli government rhetoric, according to a report in The Jerusalem Times.

“People will pay for the crimes and foolishness of your leaders. There is no doubt that your leaders will regret these foolish ventures. Evacuate the cities; perhaps you will see less damage!” the message reads. “Do not hesitate and do not sleep; the chance to escape is less than ten seconds, and perhaps your city will be chosen.”

Israeli officials had not verified the group’s claims, which came amid Iran’s drone and missile attacks on Israel over the weekend.


“An interesting youtube video that may be related to the article above”